
oral cavity Learn more about oral cavity

  • Stomatitis means high mortality: how to use traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and treat stomatitis in rabbits

    Stomatitis means high mortality: how to use traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and treat stomatitis in rabbits

    Stomatitis means high mortality: how to use traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and treat stomatitis in rabbits

  • Prevention and treatment of Infectious Fish Hemorrhage

    Prevention and treatment of Infectious Fish Hemorrhage

    (a) the pathogen grass carp hemorrhagic disease is caused by a virus, which is caused by reovirus. (2) the organs and tissues of symptomatic grass carp showed speckled or massive hyperemia, such as oral cavity, operculum, fin base, muscle, intestinal tract, liver, spleen, kidney and so on. Grass carp above 10 cm and 15 cm are mainly hyperemia in intestine, fin base, operculum and oral cavity, showing "red fin fine Gill cover type" or "intestinal type", but muscle hyperemia is mild or non-hyperemia. One year old

  • Will dental implants affect "MRI"? Planting experts solve your doubts.

    Will dental implants affect

    Dental implants as the first choice for dental restoration, in addition to the price is the most concerned, there are many friends come to consult implant-related issues.

  • Prevention and treatment of sheep stomatitis

    Prevention and treatment of sheep stomatitis

    Sheep stomatitis is an inflammation of the surface and deep tissues of the oral mucosa. In the pathological process, oral mucosa and gingiva are inflamed, which can make it difficult for diseased sheep to eat and chew, clear salivation and increase pain sensitivity. Simple local inflammation and secondary systemic reaction are common in clinic. First, the etiology of primary stomatitis is mostly caused by trauma, sheep can be caused by eating sharp plant branches, straw stabbing the mouth, but also because of exposure to ammonia, strong acid, strong alkali, damage to the wound mucosa. In sheep suffering from mouth sores and foot-and-mouth disease

  • Points for attention after dental implant operation!

    Points for attention after dental implant operation!

    At present, dental implants have become the main force in daily dental restoration projects, and many people are very good at dental implants in various medical institutions and other channels.

  • Summer prevention of rotten tongue disease of cattle and sheep

    Summer prevention of rotten tongue disease of cattle and sheep

    Rotten tongue disease is a viral infectious disease, and its main transmission vectors are Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus. Cattle and sheep are easily infected after being bitten. Clinical symptoms: initial body temperature rises to 42 ℃, lethargy, loss of appetite, not keeping up with the group, runny nose, saliva, upper lip edema, swelling can spread to the whole face and ears, oral mucosa congestion, cyanosis. After fever, the oral cavity, especially lip, cheek, tongue mucosal epithelial erosion, ulcer occurs. Blood exudates from the ulcer surface, secondary infection causes mucosal epithelial necrosis and oral odor.

  • Viral disease: hemorrhagic open mouth disease of eel

    Viral disease: hemorrhagic open mouth disease of eel

    [pathogen] the pathogen of hemorrhagic open mouth disease of eel is a kind of deoxyribonucleic acid virus. [symptoms and pathological changes] the diseased eel showed severe bleeding, mainly in the cranial cavity, followed by oral and head muscle bleeding. Diseased fish osteoporosis, prone to bone fragmentation, cranial cavity appears "open skylight"; the joint between tooth bone and joint bone is loose, the mouth is often open, can not be closed. Liver, spleen, kidney enlargement, extreme anemia. The blood of diseased eel was observed by ultra-thin section, and virus particles could be seen in blood cells. [epidemic situation] Anguilla Anguilla

  • Bayer mouth: a detailed explanation of the process of dental implant

    Bayer mouth: a detailed explanation of the process of dental implant

    Dental implants have almost the same chewing force as natural teeth, can restore beauty and function, and allow people to enjoy delicacy and life. Therefore, it is called missing teeth.

  • Bad breath N years fall in love with fire always inflamed how to do?

    Bad breath N years fall in love with fire always inflamed how to do?

    Lu Xun once said: no matter how good and capable a person is, how much you like him, if he has bad breath, he is terrible, and you will hate him from the bottom of your heart. Well, whether Lu Xun said that or not, but the mouth.

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases in small-tailed Han sheep

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases in small-tailed Han sheep

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases in small-tailed Han sheep

  • Prevention and treatment of deer disease: necrobacillus disease of deer

    Prevention and treatment of deer disease: necrobacillus disease of deer

    Deer necrobacillosis is a common chronic infectious disease of deer, which is characterized by the injury of hoof and necrosis of skin, subcutaneous tissue, oral and digestive tract mucosa and viscera. 1. The original pathogen of the disease is Clostridium necroticus, which is pleomorphic Gram-negative bacteria, the small ones are spherical and the big ones are filamentous. This bacteria is widely distributed in nature and can be found in animal farms, swamps and soil, as well as the oral cavity, intestinal tract and external reproductive tract of healthy animals. Is a strict anaerobes. This bacteria can produce exotoxin and can cause group.

  • Control of common diseases of cultured Sturgeon

    Control of common diseases of cultured Sturgeon

    Sturgeon bacterial enteritis 1. Symptoms and etiology this disease is caused by bacteria. The symptoms are abdominal and oral bleeding, redness and swelling of the anus and weight loss of the fish. 2. The prevention and treatment method is fed with 0.2% bait containing dysentery and can be cured after continuous feeding for 5-6 days. Sturgeon swollen mouth disease 1.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture Sturgeon common disease control bacteria
  • Prevention and treatment of foot-and-mouth disease in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of foot-and-mouth disease in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of foot-and-mouth disease in pigs

  • Does dental implant affect "MRI" examination?

    Does dental implant affect

    Dental implant as the first choice of dental restoration, in addition to the price is the most concerned, most concerned about, there are many friends to consult implant-related issues.

  • Can dental implants last a lifetime?

    Can dental implants last a lifetime?

    "you can't even protect your natural teeth, and you ask for dental implants?" Dental implants are equivalent to giving you new teeth, and if you don't take good care of them, it's inevitable.

  • How to prevent and cure lamb from suspended animation

    How to prevent and cure lamb from suspended animation

    How to prevent and cure lamb from suspended animation

  • Viral disease: infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of fish

    Viral disease: infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of fish

    [pathogen] the pathogen of infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis in fish is infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis virus (IHNV). [symptoms and pathological changes] the diseased fish begin to swim slowly, float downstream, then shake and swim, then float and turn, and often die shortly after intense swimming. The diseased fish have black body color, exophthalmos, dilated abdomen, hyperemia at the base of the fin, and a long, thick white mucus stool is often dragged on the anus. Autopsy showed that there was a large amount of stagnant water in the abdominal cavity, lighter color of liver, spleen and kidney, intestinal bleeding, oral wall and skeletal muscle.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    The purpose of pigeon disease diagnosis is to recognize the disease as soon as possible so as to take timely and effective prevention and treatment measures. Diagnosis is the forerunner of prevention and control work, only timely and correct diagnosis, prevention and treatment work can be targeted and achieve remarkable results. Otherwise, it will often act blindly, delay the opportunity and bring great economic losses to the pigeon industry. According to the occurrence and development of pigeon disease and the physiological characteristics of birds, the clinical diagnosis of pigeon disease includes three aspects: investigation of epidemic characteristics, observation of pigeon flock and individual symptoms and pathological anatomy. I. popular characteristics and individual

  • Vibrio disease of salmon and trout

    Vibrio disease of salmon and trout

    Symptoms such as exophthalmos, bleeding, muscle bleeding with fire and burn, swelling, erosion and necrosis of the affected part. Bleeding at the base of the fin, body surface, oral cavity and anus. The intestines are congested, inflamed and inelastic. There are blood spots in the liver, hypertrophy of the spleen and swelling of the kidney. To prevent the feeding of sulfonamides, 75 mg ~ 100 mg per kilogram of body weight was given for 1 week, and the dosage was doubled on the first day; furazolidone was mixed with 0.1% of the feed for 1 week.

  • Breeding in the early stage of breeding of farmed crocodiles

    Breeding in the early stage of breeding of farmed crocodiles

    Through the above investigation of the disease, we can provide a certain degree of impression diagnosis basis for the occurrence and prevalence of the disease, but the final diagnosis still needs a series of comprehensive diagnostic methods and techniques. The clinical symptoms of the group (individual) should also be examined. (1) Mental state

    2020-11-08 Breeding crocodile breeding early stage through above right